Transcripción Leyes (XI)
Verbs and Terms in English and Spanish with Pronunciation
Encerrar | To lock up | (tu lók áp) |
Atracar | To mug | (tu mág) |
Confesarse culpable | To plead guilty | (tu plíid guílti) |
Envenenar | To poison | (tu póisn) |
Procesar/enjuiciar | To prosecute | (tu prósekiut) |
Poner en libertad | To release | (tu rilíis) |
Robar | To rob | (tu rob) |
Ser candidato a presidente | To run for president | (tu rán for président) |
Registrar | To search | (tu sérch) |
Sentenciar | To sentence | (tu séntens) |
Cumplir una condena | To serve a sentence | (tu |
leyes xi